- We feature your organization on front.
Wallace Fundraising Solutions, LLC.
Customized Discount Cards Orlando Fundraising Ideas Orlando Discounts
- We secure the deals and print the cards.
- We get you started with no up front cost.
Thank you for visiting. The Orlando Fun Card saves you up to 50% at local business establishments in the Orlando area...AND NOW AT THOUSANDS OF LOCATIONS NATIONWIDE...WOW!!!!!!! Access to these Orlando discounts plus rest of USA, on a customized card, is one of Orlando's best fundraising ideas. We are continuously adding new merchant discounts so check back for the latest deals. When you purchase an Orlando Fun Card, you are entitled to all the benefits listed on this website after registering.
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If your nonprofit is doing fundraising in Florida, it likely has to register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and renew the registration each year.
When Registration Is Required
Any charitable organization that intends to solicit contributions in Florida by any means must register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services unless it falls within an exemption. The initial registration must be completed before any solicitation is made.
Exemptions From Registration
Florida exempts the following types of nonprofits from registration. Unlike most states, there is no exemption for very small nonprofits.
Religious institutions. "Religious institution" means any church, ecclesiastical or denominational organization, or established physical place for worship at which nonprofit religious services and activities are regularly conducted. It also includes bona fide religious groups which do not maintain specific places of worship. "Religious institution" also includes any separate group or corporation which forms an integral part of a tax-exempt religious institution, and which is not primarily supported by funds solicited outside its own membership or congregation. These religious organizations are exempt from all the provisions of Florida's charitable solicitations law.
Religious organizations that file a Form 990 with the IRS are not exempt and must register.
Educational institutions. "Educational institution" includes all accredited state tax-supported, parochial, church, and nonprofit private schools, colleges, and universities. It also includes:
- private nonprofits such as the PTA or alumni groups that raise funds for schools teaching grades kindergarten through 12, colleges, or universities
- museums open to the public
- performing arts centers that provide educational programs for school children involving performances or other educational activities at the center, provided that a minimum of 50,000 school children are served each year
- tax-exempt college and university newspapers, and
- tax-exempt educational television and radio stations.
Membership organizations. Membership organizations that solicit contributions from their membership only are exempt.
Government entities. Government agencies and other government entities need not register.
Veterans’ Organizations. Any division, department, post, or chapter of a veterans’ service organization granted a federal charter under Title 36, United States Code, is exempt.
Solicitations for a single person. A person who solicits contributions for a single named individual does not need to register as long as all the contributions collected are placed in a trust account and are turned over to that individual.
Political groups. Political groups who solicit contributions in accordance with the Florida election laws need not register.
How to Register
Registering requires your nonprofit to file the state's application form (the Florida Charitable Organizationals/Sponsors Registration Application) with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and pay a filing fee. Copies of the following documents must be included with your application:
IRS determination letter
copies of all current contracts with any solicitors hired by your nonprofit, and
a financial report--this may consist of a copy of the Form 990 or 990-EZ that your nonprofit filed with the IRS for the immediately preceding fiscal year, or you may complete the financial statement on the application form; if your nonprofit is brand new and has no financial history, you may submit a budget for the current year using the financial statement on the application form or your own form.
Audited financial statements are not required.
Renewal Registration
All Florida nonprofit registrations expire after one year and must be renewed each year. The expiration date is one year from the date you completed your initial registration. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will mail your nonprofit a renewal statement at least 60 days before the renewal date.
Further Information
Product Sells Itself. Discount cards and coupon books sell themselves. Everyone likes to save money and our discount offers trigger sales with an easy sharing platform.
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Welcome to OrlandoFunCard.com. The Orlando Fun Card is a fundraising product developed by Wallace Fundraising Solutions, LLC.
My Deals Mobile® is a downloadable software application for users to obtain promotional discounts, coupons, rebates, or special offerings on goods and/or services provided by business partners, namely dining, shopping, hotels, condo rental, travel, car rental, golf, skiing, movies, home products, and health and beauty products.
Search any city for amazing deals and discounts. Wow! We've taken fundraising cards to the Next Level.
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We are here to help!
Have questions? Need clarification? Let us help you! You may always call us at 1-888-325-3216 if you have questions about the program.
How do I find specific offers or merchants?
There are three ways to ways to find merchant offers:
Search Box: You may search for merchants or offers by typing keywords and/or the merchant name in which you are interested.
By Category: View a list of businesses offering discounts on their products or services. No matter where you are, or plan to be, these offers will save you money. Each page also defines the category and allows you to search for in-store, online or call-in (via phone) offers by category.
By Brand: View a list from A-Z of all the brands that are in your program. Please note that not all of the locations associated with a brand participate in the program; please make sure you check the specific location address at which an offer is valid.
How do I register on the website?
On the home page:
Click on the "Sign In/Register" link in the top right hand corner. This will bring up a prompt to SIGN IN or REGISTER. Click the "Register Now" button.
On the registration form, follow any instructions that are provided at the top of the form, then fill out the required fields and click submit.
Once you fill out the form and click "Submit" you will receive a validation email at the address you used in the form.
You MUST click on the link in the validation email to complete the registration process. The link is valid for one hour from the time sent. (If more than an hour passes, you must go through the registration process again).
When you click the link in the email to complete the registration process you can sign in with your email and password.
What if I don't receive a validation email right away?
If you did not receive a validation email at the address you provided during registration, please check your SPAM folder to see if it appears there. If not, contact Member Services.
How do I change my location?
Simply click on the location and type in a postal code or city name and select the suggested location and proximity. You may change your location and proximity at any time simply by clicking into this area.
What steps do I take to filter offers?
Select one category or filters from the left side of the website. You can select one or more of these filters: New, Expiring Soon, In Store coupons, Online offers or Phone, for offers that require you to call the merchant, such as hotel offers. You can enter a city/state and proximity in the location section to find offers near you.
I was unable to click on a specific offer to print the online coupon. What should I do?
First-time users will be asked to register. If you have not registered using a valid ID number, you will not be able to print the coupons.
How can I report problems or make suggestions about this site?
Just contact us and describe the problem! We appreciate users who inform us of problems so we can improve the site.
I want to suggest some attractions, hotels or merchants to be included in the program. What should I do?
Please call us on our toll free number 1-888-325-3216. We are always looking forward to expanding our offering list and appreciate your suggestions.
How can I get help solving a problem with a retailer?
Should you ever encounter a problem with a participating retailer, please contact us. With thousands of retailers worldwide, we are constantly adding and training new merchants. Many retailers with high employee turnover are constantly training their employees. If you encounter an employee that is not aware of the Access program or fails to honor the discount, we want to hear from you as soon as possible. In most cases, we can educate the new employee and resolve the problem before another member encounters the same problem. If you contact us by email, we will reply and let you know what resolution was reached.
How often can I use an offer coupon? Do they expire?
Each offer will expire 30 days after it is printed. Please see the specific offer for details on how frequently it can be used.
Is this offer valid at any location?
The offer is only valid at the location listed on the coupon, unless otherwise noted. It is not valid at any other location.
What if a merchant is not honoring their discount?
Please let us know, and we will contact the merchant regarding their offer. They want you to have a positive experience; they just may not know the facts about the coupon. You may contact us by calling us or by email: CustomerService@memberweb.com
Can I update my email, password and mailing address? How?
Yes, and please do! After logging in, click "My Account" at the top of the page and your profile will display. Keeping your email and mailing address current is very important because all local searches and listing of discounts in email updates are based upon your ZIP/Postal Code. All member services, such as notifications, forgotten password retrievals and assistance are provided via email as well.
Is my information private?
We respect your privacy! The information you provide allows us to protect the exclusivity of current members, as well as to personalize the savings discounts that are available to you and/or your organization. Your personal information is never sold or otherwise provided to third parties for any reason

Coupon Books and Discount Cards have always been the easiest Fundraising Products to sell and manage. We wanted a discount card that was more like a Big Coupon Book and didn't want to be limited by the lack of space to print tiny discounts on the back. So we designed the Orlando Fun Card to be a membership card entitling bearer to all the discounts and savings we could put on a website. We also wanted to customize the cards to groups fundraising. And finally we wanted to create a welcoming and engaging experience for everyone, resulting in successful fundraising campaigns.
Reach your Fundraising Goals!
*Member Benefits Network and Store will open in new windows.
(Sampling of Featured Mercants Above)
Access Thousands of Local and Nationwide Deals on the things you already spend money on. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Wallace Fundraising Solutions Deals and Discounts Program - To Redeem Discounts , You MUST Register with your Member ID. See Back of Card.
If your organization is NOT exempt from registering, click link below to access registration form.
Search any city for amazing deals and discounts. Wow! We've taken fundraising cards to the Next Level.